
This page summarizes recent and old documents and resources, which may be useful for you. Please, feel free to contact me, if you have questions or contributions to the topics.
Publications and preprints
Format specifications
Here you will find descriptions of file formats used in my computer vision resources.
The documents below are merely preprints of the papers. For a full list of my publications please refer to DBLP or to Google scholar.
Diploma thesis
Parametrisches Integer-Solving (in German), Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Volker Weispfenning, PD Dr. Thomas Sturm
Here you will find slides to my selected talks.
Here are some links to slides and documents of my courses.
My study materials (in German)
Most of the documents are that old that I do not have the sources for them. The documents contain a bunch of spelling errors. Nevertheless I find them useful even years after my study.